Friday, February 12, 2010

Day Forty-Six: The Best Motivation is Self-Motivation

After being snowed in for two days straight, after only a three-day reprieve from being snowed in last weekend, I lost it today. About an hour ago, I absolutely needed to burn off energy, so I went outside and shoveled the deck (a completely unnecessary, although not pointless task). For a half hour, I scraped and chopped at hardened, heavy snow, I lifted heavy loads of white crap, and threw it elsewhere. I got sweaty, I got gross, and I got cold. I also felt better than I have in a very long time.

I know I should exercise, as everybody does, really. Everybody realizes it's a good idea to get out and increase their heart rate a little bit, but nobody who makes it a priority ever wants to do it until they're actually five or ten minutes in. I am no exception to this common group of people. I don't really like the idea of getting up off the warm couch and engaging in some healthy physical activity, but once I do it (which is very rare), I feel really good. I feel better about myself and my state of health, and I feel like I'm not treating my body like garbage. It also makes me feel better about my high intake of sugar.

But although I have known that I need to join a gym ever since I stopped going after I graduated college, I have never gotten myself to do it (mostly because of the absolutely ridiculous membership fees that come along with joining). But nothing has motivated me more than feeling restless and suffocated by four walls surrounded by snow. I guess being unable to go anywhere else forced me to do the only thing I could to exert any physical energy -- exercise. Maybe being snowed-in is actually not bad for me.

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