I've actually been rethinking this whole New Year's Resolution business. Having unknowingly and unintentionally made some myself, I can't help but think about the motivation that surrounds them. People choose to do the things they need help doing, things they usually hold themselves back from doing otherwise. Even if they don't realize it, New Year's Resolvers need that push that comes with a clean slate. For some It wipes away the failure of breaking the same resolution last year. For others, it might just be a chance to learn something new about themselves, to push themselves to the limit and see how far they can go. So many people have no idea what they're capable of, mostly because they're too lazy or cowardly to try. I'm extremely guilty of that. While it might just appear that people make New Year's Resolutions because they like the fresh start of a new year, or why else would people resolve so strongly, and work so hard to change something about themselves? It makes it seem like we're a little more permitted to forget the bad things about the past, but keep them in the distance to motivate us for the next year.
I think now I might understand a little more about New Year's Resolutions and what they mean. They aren't neccessarily things we aren't motivated enough to do the rest of the year, but things we truly need courage to accomplish. Maybe they aren't so bad after all. After all, it seems as though no one choose to accomplish small tasks at the start of a new year -- those are everyday things. Instead, we take this opportunity and the unexplained courage that comes with it, and set out to complete certain tasks in our lives by trying harder, being better, and taking more chances. I won't personally say what I plan to work on this year, but I've already stumbled. But I am determined not to fail. For some people, like myself, there is much more at stake that just another failure -- there's the possibility to lose things we don't want to live without.
So make your New Year's Resolutions with optimism and hope, and may you work as hard as you can for as long as your courage holds out. Happy New Year.
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