Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine: Let's Take a Moment to Value the Wonder of Bubble Wrap

As I'm writing this, today is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, meaning to all of you, it was actually yesterday. But regardless of when the day actually is (or was), it's a day of stopping and appreciating the little things in life, like popping plastic bubbles. Honestly, who hasn't had fun with bubble wrap at some time or another? You can pop it, stomp on it, jump on it, and if you're really ambitious (and have a lot of bubble wrap and a sense of adventure) you can wrap yourself in it and roll down a hill or stairs that would otherwise be dangerous without padding. It's great stress relief, and the simple pleasure of popping it has gained such popularity that there are computerized versions all over the internet and apps for Ipods and Iphones. But to me, it seems like a little more than that.

It's a day of stopping and appreciating the little things in life that bring us joy. So, like bubble wrap, it's a day to appreciate giving your dog a paper towel tube, or fuzzy sweaters, heating pads, misting fans, umbrella hats, and silicone ice cube trays that make little ice stars or letters. So I hope on Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day, I hope you popped some bubbles, and thought about all the uses for the wonders of plastic and air.

Personally, my favorite use of bubble wrap is using it as a form of protection against the elements. People use it to protect themselves from the frigid cold as a sleeping bag when they play homeless and go camping. Similarly, some people use bubble wrap as insulation in place of glass. Break a car window? Don't waste money on expensive auto glass repair, just use bubble wrap! Duct tape some of that shit to your car, and you've got a rainproof, snowproof, and shatterproof barrier between your precious upholstered car interior and the wrath of mother nature. Better yet, when I got a new car, I considered wrapping parts of my car in bubble wrap, so when the assholes and idiots of the world opened their car doors into my black paint, there would be no damage to speak of. Okay, so maybe I didn't seriously consider it (because that would be crazy), but it was a nice idea, and a good use of bubble wrap potential. Happy Popping, Bubble Wrap Enthusiast! May you find more uses for the noisy, obnoxious plastic that we may gawk at in wonder.

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